WashU is committed to being a national leader in sustainability, a core priority that runs through all aspects of the university’s community, operations, and work as a leading teaching and research institution. Below is a multidisciplinary listing of sustainability course offerings from across schools and departments.

To reach out about adding a course, please email environment@wustl.edu.

Brown School of Social Work & Public Health

Brown PhD
SWDT 5411Implementation Science: Measures, Metric and Methods
Practice Methods
SWCD 5016Community Development Practice: Basic Concepts & Methods

College of Arts and Sciences

African and African-American Studies
AFAS 288Free the Land: Black Lives and Environmental (In)Justice
American Culture Studies
AMCS 122Ampersand: Pathfinder – A Sense of Place: Discovering the Environment of St. Louis
AMCS 3742Social Landscapes in Global View
AMCS 454Environmental Policy
Anthro 100Earth’s Future: Causes and Consequences of Global Climate Change
Anthro 1010First-Year Seminar: Topics in Anthropology: Environmental Justice as Public Health
Anthro 3102Topics in Anthropology: Sustainability in Extractive Communities
Anthro 3472Global Energy and the American Dream
Anthro 3609From Hazard to Catastrophe: Case Studies in Environmental Disasters
Anthro 361Culture and Environment
Anthro 4242Social Movements
Anthro 4285Environmental Archaeology
Anthro 481Zooarchaeology
Art History and Archaeology
Art-Arch 3961Art & Ecology
Art-Arch 4930Picturing the Anthropocene: Landscape, Land Art, and Eco Art
BIOL 1260First-Year Seminar: The Secret Lives of Plants
BIOL 1811First-Year Opportunity: Research and Conservation in Zoos and Botanical Gardens
BIOL 2431Ampersand: Pathfinder – A Sense of Place: Discovering Missouri’s Natural Heritage
BIOL 2950Introduction to Environmental Biology
BIOL 2960Principles of Biology I
BIOL 2970Principles of Biology II
BIOL 3041Plant Biology and Genetic Engineering
BIOL 381Introduction to Ecology
BIOL 419Community Ecology
BIOL 4936Seminars in Ecology and Evolution
Chem 105Principles of General Chemistry I
Chem 106Principles of General Chemistry II
Chem 111AGeneral Chemistry I
Chem 112AGeneral Chemistry II
Chem 182Chemistry for Concerned Citizens: Topics in Energy, the Environment, and More
Chem 403Chemical Kinetics
Chem 426Inorganic Electrochemistry and Photochemistry
Comparative Literature & Thought
CompLitTht 4622Topics in English Literature: The Secret Life of Things
Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
EEPS 108AOceans and the Atmosphere
EEPS 109AQuantitative Reasoning in Environmental Science
EEPS 111Introduction To Global Climate Change In the 21st Century
EEPS 115The Future of Energy
EEPS 131Natural Disasters
EEPS 141First-Year Seminar: Unearthing the Science of Climate Change
EEPS 201Earth and the Environment
EEPS 219Energy and the Environment
EEPS 221AA Human Use of the Earth
EEPS 308Topics in Environmental Sustainability
EEPS 386The Earth’s Climate System
EEPS 486Paleoclimatology
East Asian Languages and Cultures
EALC 3250Topics in Early Modern Korea: Guns, Tobacco, and Sweet Potato: A History of Material Culture
Econ 105The Endgame of Entrepreneurship: Leveraging Capitalism for Good
Econ 451Environmental Policy
Econ 460Urban Economics
Econ 472Topics in Growth and Development
Educ 4289Neighborhoods, Schools, and Social Inequality
English, College Writing
CWP 112College Writing: Citizen Scientist
CWP 116College Writing: Place & Perspective
Lit 4621Topics in English Literature: The Secret Life of Things
Environmental Studies
EnSt 101Earth’s Future: Causes and Consequences of Global Climate Change (Beyond Boundaries)
EnSt 102To Sustainability and Beyond: People, Planet, Prosperity (Beyond Boundaries)
EnSt 110Environmental Issues
EnSt 215Introduction to Environmental Humanities
EnSt 252Sustainability in Business
EnSt 2620Conservation Biology
EnSt 290Sophomore Seminar in Sustainability and the Environment
EnSt 3060Community Based Conservation: Madagascar Sustainability Initiative
EnSt 3061Community Based Conservation Practicum
EnSt 310Ecological Economics
Enst 315Fallout: Analyzing Tests and Narratives of the Nuclear Era
EnSt 316Beyond the Evidence
EnSt 341International Energy Politics
EnSt 346Environmental Justice
EnSt 347Sustainable Cities
EnSt 350WWriting Skills for Environmental Professionals
EnSt 357Environmental Problem Solving
EnSt 375Urban Ecology
EnSt 365Applied Conservation Biology
EnSt 380Applications in GIS
EnSt 405Sustainability Exchange: Community and University Practicums
EnSt 407RESET – Renewable Energy Policy, Engineering and Business
EnSt 430Ecological Anthropology
EnSt 451Environmental Policy
EnSt 452International Climate Negotiation Seminar
EnSt 461Intro to Environmental Law
Film and Media Studies
Film 330History of American Cinema
Film 368Contemporary Women Directors
Global Studies
GS 3301Topics in Chinese Literature & Culture: Environment in Modern China: History, Politics and Culture
GS 361Culture and Environment
GS 4510Environmental Policy
GS 4520International Climate Negotiation Seminar
History 2061Sophomore Seminar: Frontiers & Environment in Modern China
History 3194Environment and Empire
History 330CCulture & Identity: Topics in AMCS: Place, Space and Power: Indigenous St. Louis
History 3810Between Sand and Sea: History, Environment, and Politics in the Arabian Peninsula
History 3068An Inconvenient Truth: The Human History of Climate Change
Jewish, Islamic And Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
JIMES 3053Nomadic Strategies and Extreme Ecologies
Latin American Studies
LatAm 4517Anthropology and Development
Phil 131FPresent Moral Problems
Phil 235FIntroduction to Environmental Ethics
Physics 171APhysics and Society
Physics 173Physics of Sustainable Energy
Physics 191Physics I
Physics 192Physics II
Physics 197Physics I
Physics 198Physics II
Physics 2010Energy and Climate
Physics 411Mechanics
Physics 421Electricity and Magnetism
Physics 422Electricity and Magnetism II
Physics 444Energy and Environmental Physics
Physics 505Classical Electrodynamics I
Physics 506Classical Electrodynamics II
Physics 537Kinetics of Materials
Political Science
Pol Sci 2010Introduction to Environmental Policy
Pol Sci 3005Fast Fashion and the Environment
Pol Sci 332BEnergy Politics
Pol Sci 3752Topics in American Politics: Globalization, Urbanization, & the Environment
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Psych 315Introduction to Social Psychology
Psych 345Genes, Environment, and Human Behavior
Religious Studies, John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics
Re St 3542Christian Theology and Politics in the Modern West
SOC 106Social Problems and Social Issues
SOC 3006Global Health and Language
SOC 4810Global Structures and Problems
Span 405WFrom Havana to Buenos Aires: Latin American Cityscapes in Literature, Art, and Film
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 3020Justice as Failure: Abolitionist Theory and Praxis
WGSS 3141The Racial and Sexual Politics of Public Health
WGSS 3561Law, Gender, and Justice

McKelvey School of Engineering

General Engineering
Engr 4501Engineering Ethics and Sustainability
Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
EECE 101Introduction to Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
EECE 311Green Engineering
EECE 407Environmental Biotechnology
EECE 413Energy Conversion and Storage
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
MEMS 3610Materials Science
MEMS 5423Sustainable Environmental Building Systems
MEMS 5705Wind Energy Systems
MEMS 598Energy Analysis and Design Project

Olin Business School

MGT 460LIntroduction to Social Entrepreneurship

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

College of Architecture – Landscape Architecture, Urban Design
LAND 304Shared Ecologies and Design
LAND 521AVisualizing Ecological Processes
LAND 541APlants & Environment
LAND 542BPlanting Design
LAND 551ALandscape Ecology
MUD 565DAdvanced Seminar in Urban Sustainability I
ARCH 658AMetropolitan Sustainability
College of Art
ART 435PDesign for Social Impact

School of Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS)

SUST 200Introduction to GIS
SUST 205Foundations and Practice of Sustainability
SUST 328Environmental Law: Applications Toward Sustainability
SUST 3610Culture and Environment
SUST 421Spatial Data Modeling and Design
SUST 450Sustainability Capstone

School of Law

Law School
LAW 614CEnvironmental Law
LAW 691BNatural Resources Law
LAW 691EIntroduction to Energy Law
LAW 704BInterdisciplinary Environmental Clinic

School of Public Health

Courses coming soon. Learn more about the new School of Public Health here.