Buder Center

Buder Center

The Kathryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies at the Brown School at Washington University was founded to provide scholarships for American Indians and has grown into one of the most respected centers in the nation for academic advancement and study of American Indian issues related to social work.

Office of Sustainability

Office of Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability leads Washington University’s efforts to transform its campuses into a living learning laboratory that connects teaching and research directly to sustainable campus operations. The Office of Sustainability facilitates, convenes and partners with university leaders and community partners to work toward a more sustainable campus and world.

Midwest Climate Collaborative

Midwest Climate Collaborative

The Midwest Climate Collaborative (MCC) is a cross-sector collaboration of organizations in 12 states to respond collectively to the climate crisis. Launched in 2022 at Washington University, the MCC works to accelerate climate action, knowledge generation and leader development to support its vision of a carbon neutral, climate resilient, interconnected Midwest region.